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  • Visual Edge-AI for Division

    4DIViSiON will always strive to impress customers.

    Our Business

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    Smart Factory

    4DiViSiON's TesseraVue (3D sensor) shows excellent customizing technology in combination with the robot arm in the existing factory.

    Technologies such as accurate quality inspection, inspection speed, and numerical measurement are key to realizing a smart factory.

    AI Solution

    - Automated surface inspection system based on multiple sensors that combines 2D images and 3D profilers (metal/plastic/wood/ceramic/rubber, etc.)

    - 3D sensor for robot arm automation for smart manufacturing process

    - Inspection system that learns AI-based defect detection images, automatically detects atypical defects, and classifies them by type

    - S/W for AOI equipment image analysis and deep learning algorithm inspection

    factory automation

    solution provided

    We provide a customizing solution for 3D sensors that can quickly respond to automated factories.

    auto bad

    detection technology

    Introducing automated defect detection technology to help improve product quality and increase productivity


    Inventory Management

    Inventory management using 3D sensors and bin picking improves classification accuracy to enable smoother work.

    Smart City

    RoboVue (2D sensor) in smart city contributes to forming the basis of life for human safety and convenience

    4DiViSiON's linescan technology can be applied not only to railway rails, but also to any object that may have damage such as cracks.

    AI Solution

    - Railway rail and road surface inspection system

    - Converged camera and IMU to use for navigation



    Rails, roads, bridges, etc. with line scan cameras

    Analyze the presence and condition of corrugated wear


    Analysis of results

    It is possible to analyze the start and end points of corrugated wear and the average length of corrugated wear at that point.

    Smart Home

    4DIViSiON's WrinkleVue is a technology that analyzes skin based on a 3D sensor and provides a suitable solution.

    Regular shooting provides additional data useful for skin changes and skin care

    AI Solution

    - Skin analysis system using 3D face modeling

    skin analysis department

    Response solution provided

    Pigment, wrinkle, and pore analysis using 3D face modeling and quantified analysis results are provided through skin 3D data algorithm.


    face recognition

    Based on high accuracy, face recognition technology is applied to various activities such as entering common entrances and using leisure facilities, improving convenience and quality of life in daily life.

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    {"google":["Questrial"],"custom":["Noto Sans KR"]}
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